Sustainability at TWA Maritime Experts

"Navigating toward a sustainable future, we embrace the vastness of our oceans as a path and a responsibility. On each voyage, we carry not just cargo, but also a commitment to protect and preserve the blue heart of our planet for future generations. " - CEO TWA

Our compromise with the ocean and enviroment
We understand the critical role the maritime industry plays in global trade and the significant impact it can have on our planet's oceans and environment. We are deeply committed to promoting sustainable practices that protect and preserve our marine ecosystems for future generations.

Sustainable transport practices
Our fleet is mostly made up of electric vehicles and we are increasingly making our employees aware of using fuel types with a lower environmental impact.

Responsible Residue Management
We adhere to strict waste management protocols to ensure that all waste generated on board the vessels we service is treated, recycled or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. We are committed to minimizing the use of plastic and ensuring that no waste is disposed of in the oceans or conservation areas. Companies hired for these tasks go through a rigorous selection process.

Protecting Marine Biodiversity
We actively participate in initiatives that aim to protect marine biodiversity, including supporting marine conservation areas and adopting routes that minimize disturbance to marine life. Our agency collaborates with environmental organizations to support research and conservation projects.

Training & Awareness
We believe that sustainability begins with awareness. Our employees undergo comprehensive training on environmental protection and sustainable practices. We also run awareness programs to educate our stakeholders about the importance of sustainability in the maritime industry.

Colaborative efforts for a greener furure
Sustainability is a collective effort. We partner with customers, suppliers and industry partners to promote sustainable practices across the maritime supply chain.

Our agency is actively involved in industry forums and working groups dedicated to advancing sustainability in the maritime sector. We are proud of the progress we have made, but recognize there is always more to be done.

We continually explore new ways to improve our sustainability performance and reduce our environmental footprint. Join us on our journey. We invite our customers, partners and the wider maritime community to join us in our commitment to sustainability.

Together, we can make a difference to our planet and ensure the long-term health and vitality of our oceans. For more information about our sustainability initiatives or to get involved, please contact us.

Find out more about our Sustainability Policy

Download our Sustaintability Policy


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